
Join Flying Fish Swim Club

Thank you for your interest in joining Flying Fish Swim Club. We look forward to welcoming you to the exciting world of swimming! To join Flying Fish Swim Club, every new swimmer must attend an assessment conducted by a our Coach to determine if they have the swimming skills and abilities to join our program.

Student Information

Attending Program


1. The swimmers and guardians abide by FFSC policies and rules.
2. Applications will not be processed unless accompanied by full payment.
3. Payable to FFSC
4. $100 administration fee will be charged, if any cancellation before the session start.
5. No refunds will be offered for missed lessons or cancellation of the term.
6. Beginning group 1:4 (max 5)
7. There will be a maximum of 2 make up lessons per term, and that all make up lessons are to be rescheduled within the session. The missing lessons must be notified 24 hours in advance by Email, otherwise, no make-up lessons will be granted.
8. No transferring lessons between the students.
9. $25 administration fee is no refundable in any condition; $50 will be charged for bounced cheque.

Waiver Clause

Parental/Guardian Consent, to complete and sign for students who under 18 years of age. I certify that I am the legal guardian of the above participant and that I do hereby give permission for the student to participate in the above activity. I further certify that the student is in good health and has no physical or other impediment which would endanger him or her while participating in this activity. I realize that by participating in this program, the student will be exposed to a risk of injury or death. I understand the dangers incidental to participating in the program and the need for safety precautions, and I have discussed the dangers of the program and the need for safety precautions with the student. I hereby execute the above Agreement Waiver Clause, and Release on his/her behalf.

Photos/Video Consent

In consideration of my engagement as a member of FFSC, and for other good valuable consideration herein acknowledge as received, I hereby grant to FFSC - its staff, Board Representatives, and those acting with its authority and permission, the irrevocable and unrestricted right and permission to take, copyright in their own name and otherwise, and use, reuse, and publish pictures of me in all artwork or media used in promotion, editorial, trade, advertising, web site display, or for any other purpose whatsoever. I also consent to the use of any published matter in conjunction therewith. I hereby release, discharge, and agree to save harmless FFSC – its staff, Board Representatives, and those acting with its authority and permission, from any liability of distortion or altered use that may occur or be produced in the taking of said picture(s), video, or in any subsequent processing thereof, including without limitation any claims for libel or invasion of privacy. I hereby warrant that I am of full age or have a Parent/Guardian to rightly contract my own name. I have read the above authorization, release and agreement, and I am fully familiar with the contents thereof. This release shall be binding upon me and my heirs, legal representatives, and assigns.

Please read the following FFSC Terms and Conditions carefully*


After submitting the registration form, you will receive a Registration Email with a PDF file. Means you have become to be our club member.



  • 初学课程

  • 进阶课程

  • 提高与训练竞赛课程

  • 夏令营